
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Unique Situation

Met with a unique situation late week that I thought we should share.

We had a customer of a Toyota Alphard (hmm...we have been having many toyota alphards customers in recent weeks, some must be wondering why? :) This is because, many toyota alphards are actually imported and sold second hand, such cars on many occasion come with only 1 set of keys).

This customer had problem starting his car. The ignition was dead, literally. Many mechanics went to his house to check on the car and came to different conclusion on the problem and he spent some money but still could not rectify his problem. The mechanics came to a final conclusion that it was his immobiliser that was giving problems (his was Clifford-quite a reputable brand). The clifford technicians came but still could not rectify the problem. And this was Day 4 since his ignition went dead.

We were called in on the 4th day. We manage to identify and rectify the problem (with the help of some friends plus quite a bit of luck! :) ).

It was ... THE DOG.

lol. Believe it or not. The owner's dog, a small little terrier, who loved to go beneath the car, rain or shine) also had a little hobby of biting off the wires! Incidentally, one of the wires he bit was connected to the ECU that supplied power to the fuel pump!

[we could not take photo of the situation, coz the owner was a little mad about the situation....and we understood why...]

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